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Books, Parties, and Sales

After five years of work, here it is. In my hand. Wow. All glossy and shiny and with some light embossing. I’m thrilled to say, “IT IS HERE!!”

Now that it’s here, I’d like to answer some questions about where and how to buy The Clean Daughter

AND to catch you up on Book Launch Party Day!

Hopefully, here are all the answers you need in one concise location!

  • Pay with PayPal

Buy from my website HERE

$35. Includes tax.

Free shipping and a Signed copy.


  • Pay by check

Email me. Jill.kandel@gmail.com

$35. Includes tax.

Free shipping and a Signed copy.

  • Support a local business and buy from Zandbroz in Fargo.

  • ·Support NDSU Press, buy from NDSU Press. Shipping costs approximately $10.

    Buy Local. Buy direct. Support authors, small presses, and independent book stores.

DATE: Thursday April 28.

TIME: 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: 1445 First Ave., North, Fargo, ND. In the new The Mosaic District, formerly BMI Fargo

Free and open to the public.

All Book lovers welcome!!

Come and enjoy Dutch Stroopwafel cookies, Dutch “School Chalk” candy, and Indonesian decaf coffee. You can expect to see my book trailer, and listen to a short reading, followed by an author Q&A and book signing. There will be two great give away baskets during the event.

Hope to see you and all of your book loving friends there!

You will be able to pay with cash, check, or credit card at the launch party.

I’ll be celebrating Independent Book Store Day, signing copies of The Clean Daughter at Zandbroz.

Saturday April 30.

Signing from Noon to 1:00

I’ll be speaking at the Valley City Library (my old hometown favorite library in the world).

Thursday June 9th.

Speaking at 5:30 p.m.

I’m thrilled to be able to offer my work to the world.

I hope you find it, in some way, helpful or hopeful. Interesting or encouraging.

The Clean Daughter is no longer mine. As it goes out into the world, may it find the hearts and minds that it was meant to reach.

Bon Voyage.

Happy Reading to all.

Love, Jill